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tv   ABC2 News Good Morning Maryland 5AM  ABC  February 21, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST

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back to gather information and evidence. now, good morning maryland. new, a terrible crash near bel air kills three siblings. i'm linda so, what happened to a med evac helicopter when it was dispatched to the scene and why it had to make an emergency landing. helping classmates of one teenager killed over the weekend. controversial issue of same-sex marriage goes before the senate. good morning maryland i'm charley crowson. >> i'm megan pringle. thank you for joining us. it's fat tuesday. >> new orleans is going to be in the spot for the day. uñmeteorologist, lynette charles. >> good morning. we are looking at maryland's
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most powerful radar. we have all five sweeps on. nothing to see that will be the trend as we go in to the afternoon. we will have a few clouds streaming in here, but, for the most part we will get the sunshine this morning, and this afternoon, maybe a few peaks as well. now, temperatures not bad. we are seasonably cold. mount airy 32. pasadena 34. different day in terms of breezy conditions. not dealing with winds out there, we are calm. that is going to change as we go in to the afternoon. i'm forecasting a high today around 53 degrees when we should be at 46 degrees now for this time of the year. let's get a check of your traffic with angela. good morning. >> good morning to you. here is the update we have been waiting for. the information on the accident that occurred last night, linda so has given us updates on the situation. as far as the roadway is
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concerned, 543 re-opened. that according to maryland state police. they also updated us on the other situation at 155, the tractor trailer heading to 95 southbound, stuck in a ditch and we are still there, blocking both eastbound and westbound lanes of 155. once you make to it 95, shouldn't have troubles getting through harford. a live look at 95, south of maryland 152. traveling through glen burnie, no incidents or delays at maryland 100. we are keeping you posted all morning long with traffic updates on twitter, follow us at maryland traffic. update on a crash, we brought you as late breaking news at 11:00. >> three siblings died in a 3- car crash at churchville. >> it happened around route 543. half a mile south of wheel road. linda so now standing by with all new details and video we
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caught overnight. >> the three siblings are two brothers and a sister from fallston. the sister was wearing a seat belt. 13-year-old joseph, the 4-year- old ashley, and 29-year-old david. they lived in the 1300 block of marquis court. police tell us the siblings were in a cavalier traveling southbound on route 543 before 10:00 last night when it crossed the center line and sideswiped a toyota. it was hit by an accra. the force of that crash cut tp cavalier in half. police say speed was a factor. the brothers were ejected from cavalier, the sister had to be extricated. all died at the scene. two people were taken to bay view medical center in stable condition. two people in the toyota were not hurt. two medevac helicopters were dispatched to the scene. trooper one from baltimore and
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trooper two. trooper one caught fires a it was landing. >> again, it landed safely, it was not a crash landing, not an emergency landing. it landed routinely, the pilot did what he was supposed to do in that situation and we will work to determine what the cause of engine failure was. >> oicials if responded to the -- officials responded to the scene. as for the siblings, their bodies have been taken to the medical examiner's office for a autopsy. investigators are trying to determine why the cavalier crossed the center line. minutes ago we have learned that 543 has been re-opened. linda so, abc2 news. new this morning, police are searching for a suspect in the death of a man in salisbury. police are expected to tell us more about the victim. happened at 6:30, police found a man shot to death in a car in the 700 block of olivia street.
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police haven't made any arrests. if you have information, call police. students will be returning to parkville, one student short. grief counselors on hand helping students deal with the loss of an 8th grader. michael true luck died over the weekend when he was hit by a car. his mom said he was drinking with friends and opened the door of the car he was riding in to throw up and fell out. another car hit him. we learned the driver in the accident will not be charged. standing by for a debate in maryland. same-sex marriage proposal. sherrie johnson standing by with all new information. >> charlie it's ban heated battle at -- it's been a heated battle at times. today a state senate committee will have it's turn with the bill, a committee will likely pass the bill onto the floor of the senate and by the end of the week , the bill could pass. this vote comes after the house of delegates passed the same- sex marriage bill last year the
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bill never made to it the house. the same-sex marriage bill sponsored by martin o'malley divided lawmakers. some feel confident they will do it again. if passed and signed in to law, opponents vowed to take the issue to referendum putting it on the ballot in november's election. lawmakers in baltimore county, the council, are expected to vote on the gender identity protection bill. this bill came to life after this, a video taped beating inside a rosedale mcdonald's. the council will vote on the bill prohibiting discrimination against sexual orientation or identity. man from upper marlboro died overseas and his body is expected to return overseas. a plane crash killed the 26 year old and 3 others from the
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air force. it was an a flight back from a mission in the afghan war. they are investigating why the plane went down in the first place. snow and ice on the roads in virginia, keeping police busy. >> one accidents caught on camera. the type of ice that caused these types of wrecks. >> new study shedding light on a problem alcoholism existing in american families. dry but seasonably cold out there this morning. a serious warm up is on the way. details are coming up. we continue to follow a couple of incidents in harford, following fallen cable wires that's going to affect your drive. we will have the latest coming up next.
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problem across parts of roanoke, virginia, live power lines crackling and burning after brought down by the trees, toppled by the harsh winter weather. the fire chief says his department has been in crisis mode responding to burning power lines and blown over
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trees. >> tough driving in richmond, virginia. a man skid ed across the road. black ice plagued drivers on 295, several vehicles slid off the road and police say officers responded to a thousand traffic accidents and that was yesterday. look at the pictures, it's hard to believe. >> it's scary. we don't have to deal with ice and if we did have precipitation, we definitely would be dealing with that. check out the temperatures, 21 degrees now in to woodbine. we don't have the wind. what you are feeling is what you are getting for today. the temperature glen burnie, 27 degrees. more of the same in to stevensville, around 30 degrees and no windchill whatsoever. as we check out fact that we have the clouds trying to stream in here, mostly clear now. turning mostly cloudy in to the afternoon, we will have more clouds moving in. get out and enjoy it. that system, that rain, that snow, is going to stay away
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from us as it enter it is dry air across the area. nearly two years, he went on a crime spree that included burglaries and murder. >> brian kuebler has been tracking the case and this morning a preview of how police were able to stop this man. >> a live look now at bourbon streetis fat tuesday. there is a lot of people out there. >> ten minutes after 4:00. >> brett michaels, cindy lopper, hosting that parade. it will be a fun time. life picture of the inner harbor, we'll be right back. it's 27 degrees. buying this juicer online was unbelievable. what a bargain!
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[ female announcer ] sometimes a good deal turns out to be not such a good deal. but new bounty gives you value you can see. in this lab demo, one sheet of new bounty leaves this surface cleaner than two sheets of the leading ordinary brand. so you can clean this mess with half as many sheets. bounty has trap and lock technology to soak up big spills and lock them in. why use more when you can use less? bring it with new bounty. [ jim ] you know, that's our business. so we want to be the experts in chicken. we're not the status quo. perdue is the first and the only chicken company to have usda process verified programs for fresh, all natural chicken. [ jim ] this is an all-vegetarian diet. no animal byproducts, no animal fat. our chickens are not fed steroids or hormones. it's not gonna happen. [ jim ] we raise our chickens cage-free, and we set our goals higher than anyone. we're trying to make a better chicken. [ jim ] my dad did, my grandfather did, and it's what we do today.
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look at. this today is fat tuesday. mardi gras in new orleans. looking at a live picture of bourbon street. all people are going home with beads around their neck. stood the parade final, finale, the holidays traditional celebration leading up to the observation of lint. foot traffic will be a problem in the french quarter in new
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orleans. our traffic could be hectic for the commute. >> could be rough, dicey. a couple of trouble spots here and there. let's update the situation, howard county, cooksville and west friend ship. fallen power cables over route 144. police are saying they should be out of the way momentarily. they are not sure how long this will take. this is between maryland 32 and 97. best alternate, i-70. traffic moving well, here on i- 95, traveling north on the southwest side. here is a look at the beltway on the north side. a pretty good start to the workweek, for people out today, here is 695, providence road. we checked in with mark jones to update you. no delays on the buses or rail lines for mta. outside for your tuesday. good morning. not bad out there, especially this morning, we will be seeing mostly sunny
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skies. check out what we have in terms of dew point. this is a measure of the moisture in the air. baltimore, in the 20s, more of the same in to easton, this is very dry air that we have in place. the reason why i'm showing you this, there is a little disturbance trying to come in in the middle of the nation. because the air is so dry, because it's going to be coming in to mountainous areas, i think this will break up for most part before it gets here. we are going to be in between two systems, the one to the west, one sliding to the east. this area of high pressure, with that we will funnel in more mild air as we go in to time. we will start to get in to the 60s. i will show you that in a second. future trend, not a lot as we go in to the 8:00 hour. as we go later in to the day, see the system breaks up a little bit. it won't be until wednesday we have a chance for a shower too move in to the picture.
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that should be later in to the evening. your wednesday should be dry for the most part. then wet weather by the end of the week. today's temperature coming in around 53 degrees, we should be at 46 now, you can see we are going up, we will become breezy throughout the day as well. the southerly breeze. mostly cloudy, not as coal. by tomorrow, that temperature around 60 degrees, quick check of the seven-day forecast, look at your thursday. 67, meagan and charlie, take it away. we are getting deep look inside a criminal master minds. >> profiling terrorizing crime wave orchestrated by one man they know includes violent home invasions, burglaries and murder. brian kuebler is live. >> reporter: it's not often law enforcement see as criminal like this. jason scott was intelligent and the knowledge and the right
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amount of deviance to pull off his special brands of terror, 29 home burglary, 9 home invasions charged with the slaying of a mother and daughter and named a suspect in three killings, a crime spree as it plunged a neighborhood in to fear. tonight a look at how this man pulled off so many violent crimes without getting caught. the skills he used to do it and the live he is changed in the wake of his criminal enterprise. >> what happened to do unto others? where did that go? >> does this shake your understanding of humanity? >> yes. it does. it's not supposed to be this way. it's not the way it was designed to be. >> will you get that back after this? do you fear you may not get this back?
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>> yeah. that i have a -- i spent a lot of time thinking about that. >> it might be how scott picked victims and the tools he used to carry out his crime spree that is unsettling. we will get in to that tonight at 11:00. brian kuebler, abc2 news. health news this morning, a new study found more than one in ten children in the united states is living with at least one alcoholic parent. the substance abuse and mental health services administration conducted the research and says that amounts to about 7.5 million children. the researchers found chirp of parents who have drinking problems are at greater risk for depression and anxiety. netherlands found that mother whose smoke or use nicotine replacements are more likely to have colicky
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children. babies cry for hours everyday, difficult to consult. a mother's smoke or nicotine habit could increase the chance of colicly 60%. former head of the monetary fund will face tough questions today. >> coming up what dominic strauss-kahn is doing that has police on his trail again. ♪
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[ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering.
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former i imf chief, dominic strauss-kahn will be questioned by french police investigating a &f=]xw÷qww[úhotel prostitutio police questioned prostitutes who said they had sex with strauss-kahn during 2010 and 2011. a proposal allowing aid
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entering syria. it may not happen in time. tanks are staged outside of the stronghold for the possibility of a ground assault. the red cross is called for a ceasefire. this video out of iran, the ship was carrying fuel from dubai. nine people were rescued from the burning ship. a dutch scientist is work on a food that gives a whole new meaning to the phrase mystery meat. the idea to grow cow meat from bovine stem cells. they are working on kinks. since there is no blood in the meat it's pinkish yellow in color. they need to grow the fat separately to keep it juicy. it would take up to 20 years.
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that's if the research was operating on unlimited funds. it will be shown at the annual meeting of the annual association for the advancement of science in vancouver. if you or a loved one needs emergency medical care, which hospital? a new report this morning, on where you will find the best hospitals in the country when it comes to emergency care, where baltimore falls on the list. also, how the father of a fallen soldier is protesting a decision chris christy made to have the flags flown at half stag for whitney houston. maryland's most powerful radar is dry. how long will have last? i will have the details coming up. on the roadways, a closure due to a deadly accident in churchville. another closure in harford county.
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details about a crash near churchville. three siblings are dead. by a responding medevac helicopter had to make an emergency landing. find out what huguely could face if convicted. a protest against decision to fly flags at half staff for whitney houston, why one father is so upset. good morning i'm megan pringle. >> i'm charley crowson. weather is a big story for the days to come. not for severity. how pleasant it's going to be. i love that word, pleasant, charlie. for today, we are on the upside, temperatures will be in the low


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